Dexera was commissioned to photograph and film Telservice’s 50th anniversary party, and now you can see the results of our work. We focused on capturing the highlights of the party and the atmosphere, resulting in a vivid series of images and a film immortalizing this momentous event. These memorable moments are now available to anyone who wants to experience the joy and community of the anniversary party.
Launch material for the training center in Malmö
Dexera bidrog till öppningen av NUAD THAI NORDIC utbildningscenter i Mobilia köpcentrum, Malmö. Vårt team designade och producerade rollups, flaggor och en utställningsbakgrund, vilket skapade en inbjudande och professionell atmosfär vid eventet. Vi fotograferade också under öppningen för att fånga de speciella stunderna. Genom detta arbete hjälpte vi till att framhäva NUAD THAI NORDICs varumärke och bidrog till att göra deras öppning minnesvärd och visuellt tilltalande.
Media production for internal conference
Every year, Teleservice organizes its popular “Teleservice Day”, an employee day filled with activities. Last year, as in previous years, Dexera was given the honorable task of documenting this special day. We were not only responsible for filming and photographing all the moments of the event, but we were also responsible for the design of the stage where the highlights took place. After the day, we created a photo collage that captured the essence of the festivities, a memorable way to preserve the happy memories. Here are some highlights from the day.
Photography of TV & Broadband Services
We took photos for the IT company Teleservice. Here’s a selection of the images we captured to illustrate their TV and broadband services.
Photography at the Water and Wastewater Fair
We travelled to the Water and Wastewater Fair in Jönköping and photographed for Interlift — a company in Skåne that specialises in lifting equipment and solutions. This resulted in a mix of product, demo and in-action photos.
Business Photography at a Printing Press Company
We visited Vollsjö Tryck, a printing press company, and photographed everything from details of the work to portraits of all the employees. Here are some samples.